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Tulips at Alumni HallI was in PA last week helping my P’92 mom with some things, and it still looked very much like winter there: bare trees, brown grass. It was a joy to come back to Winston to find that in the week I was gone, spring had sprung. Here’s a look at the bed of tulips outside Alumni Hall. They are glorious. And flower beds like this are all over campus – plus the daffodils, and my favorite pink trees. It is really beautiful.

Shag on the MagSpeaking of spring, one of our annual spring events is coming up this Friday: Shag on the Mag. For those who might not know the term, shag is a kind of dance particular to the coast of North and South Carolina. (Hilarious and true aside, I was once telling an Irish mom about Shag on the Mag and it had an entirely different connotation in her native tongue. We had a big laugh).

Anyway, Shag on the Mag is a night of beach music, dancing, and fun. It’s sundresses and bow ties for some, dressy clothes for others. It’s held in a giant tent on the Mag Quad and is a terrific event. Hope your Deacs are Googling shag dancing and getting ready for it!

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