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2 3 16 art 1 2 3 16 art 2 2 3 16 art 3 2 3 16 art 4Yesterday I was on campus and took a few snaps of things I saw.  There is some sort of art project on the steps between the Tribble Courtyard and the side entrance of the ZSR Library.  Each black and white photo has an interesting saying on it.  I am not sure exactly who is sponsoring it, or what it means, but I found the images to be intriguing and hope you do too!

2 3 16 PHThere were also a couple of places on campus where someone (an individual? a student organization? it’s a mystery) had chalked our motto, “PRO HUMANITATE” on the brick. I saw one on a wall going toward the Quad, one on the walkway near the library.

2 2 16 bikingWe did have a couple of Deac families send us a “Where In the World Are Wake Foresters?” pictures.  They gave us permission to share them below.  One is a Deac family (a ’17 current student studying abroad, with two relatives – both young alumni – who were vacationing; the alumni graduated in ’09, and ’10).  They are bicycling in Viña del Mar, Chile over Thanksgiving 2015.

2 2 16 patagonia 1 2 2 16 patagoniaThe second is Deac family in Patagonia in December 2015 – a ’14 grad, an ’18 current student, and dad is a ’79, P’14, ’18.

Keep these pictures of your global Deacs in WF apparel coming, folks!

— by Betsy Chapman

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