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It’s the week before Move-In, and officially the last chance for many of us to take a vacation, so the Daily Deac is out this week 🙂

Just to keep you thinking about Mother So Dear, this week will feature some pictures of campus, all with an aerial feel.  Today’s first entry is a shot from the topmost part of Wait Chapel – the little window at the way, way top of the spire (the green part).  This is the view toward Alumni Hall and the Worrell Professional Center, and the green spire as point of reference.

A view of Poteat Field and the Worrell Professional Center from the bell tower of Wait Chapel on Friday, June 25, 2010.

A view of Poteat Field and the Worrell Professional Center from the bell tower of Wait Chapel on Friday, June 25, 2010.

The bell tower of Wait Chapel, on the campus of Wake Forest University, on Monday, September 23, 2013.

The bell tower of Wait Chapel, on the campus of Wake Forest University, on Monday, September 23, 2013.


Enjoy your last full week home with your Deacs, freshmen parents.  (Upperclassmen families, you’re not far behind!)

— by Betsy Chapman

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