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I spend a lot of time at a computer every day and a lot of time looking for WFU items of interest.  Not sure how many Pinterest fans we have out there, but for those of you who are pinners, you are probably familiar with the amazing looking pins of complicated baking or crafts.  If you’re like me, you think you might be able to do a complicated baking project, but when you try it, you end up with an epic fail.  There is an internet meme – Nailed It! – that shows you the picture of a successfully completed item, and then the version that didn’t go exactly to plan.

ujfjp-pinterest20 nailed-it-hedgehog-cake - CopyHere are two of my favorites: the hedgehog cake gone wrong and the Cookie Monster cupcake fail.

So in digging around Pinterest and the internet, I was looking for pictures of people who really did nail it with their WFU baking.  Some of these were surely made by professionals, but some may be homemade, who knows.

Have you nailed a WFU project in a good way?  Send your pics to and we’ll post a sampling if we get enough.

— by Betsy Chapman

wf1 wake-forest - Copy cake squares - Copy 5426591435_f19fa0974c_b - Copy bc18dcfc79925ccdc6b16f01d60d52fe - Copy wf-cake

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