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One of Wake’s many points of pride is that we are a top 25 national university that competes at the highest levels intellectually as well as athletically.  For some students, Division I sports is an important part of their extracurricular activities.  And Wake has a rich basketball history and prides itself on being the smallest school to compete in the ACC, arguably the best basketball conference in the nation.

Just as students refer to us as “Work Forest,” sometimes alumni refer to us as “LOWF” (Little Old Wake Forest) because we are frequently underestimated by competitors based on the size of our school and the high academic standards we hold.  That makes it even sweeter when we beat another team who didn’t expect us to be as fierce as we are.

The men’s and women’s basketball teams will host Black and Gold Madness this Thursday at 8 pm in Reynolds Gym.  This is the first time we officially get a look at the new recruits and see how the teams are playing, so for anyone who bleeds black and gold, it is an event not to be missed.  At Black and Gold Madness, students will get to meet the team, watch some skills practices, and because this is part of the kickoff to Homecoming Weekend there will be fun and prizes and school spirit galore.

Your students should go out and support our student-athletes at Black and Gold Madness, for a variety of reasons.  First and foremost, we are all Deacs – win or lose, in good times or in bad – and we always, always support our teams.  Second, unlike some other schools, our student-athletes are not sequested in their own dorms, dining rooms, or academic programs.  They live on your students’ halls and are in your students’ classes – and so they should support their friends and classmates.  Third, Wake Forest fandom is something that lasts a lifetime and builds great memories – so start practicing it early.  Fourth, there will come a time when your students won’t be able to just hop over to the Joel to see a game, and they will miss that ease of access when they no longer have it.  Carpe Deacem.

FINAL-WFU_Homecoming-Poster-5cent-831x1024As this event happens at Homecoming, it bears mentioning that there will be tons of  Homecoming events all weekend and your students should come and check them out.  Student Union has events specifically for students – see them here – and I hope they have been taking advantage of the earlier ones this week.  Still to come are the not-to-be-missed Picnic on the Quad, the President’s Ball (themed ‘All That Glitters Is Gold’) and the Festival on the Quad.

There is a giant tent right now on the south Mag Quad (aka Manchester Plaza) that is being used for a major event tomorrow night.  On Fridayat 11 am, there is a campus wide picnic, which translates to free food and to hear about some of the exciting projects that are going to take place at Wake Forest thanks to alumni, parents, and friends’ philanthropic giving.  I have seen this tent, y’all, and it is something else.  Tell your students to go.

The President’s Ball is held at the Joel Coliseum at 9 pm Friday, and this is a dress-up kind of dance with incredible atmosphere and fun.  Student Union and its committee does a fantastic job of transforming what is admittedly a very ordinary coliseum into a place with remarkable decorations, atmosphere, dancing and music.  Alumni, faculty, staff, and students go to dance and enjoy a great night together.

On Saturday morning is the Festival on the Quad – and while primarily the audience is for alumni, students are welcome.  There will be games, free food and drink, tons of carnival-type fun.  In years past I have been responsible for doing the Hair Paint and Deacon Tattoos station, and my hope is I get to do that again.  Normally my clientele are in the 2-12 year old range for hair paint, but everyone wants a stick-on Deacon tattoo.  So if your students want one, tell them to come find us.

Homecoming – like Move-in and Commencement – is one of the happiest Deac weekends of the year.  Tell your students to take advantage of every moment they can!


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