Parents, if you want a taste of what this year’s Love Feast was all about, there is a great story and a YouTube video about the proceedings.  It is well worth your time to watch.

Also, the place to be this week is the Z. Smith Reynolds Library, where “Wake the Library” has provided a haven of refuge for students studying for exams and putting the finishing touches on term papers.  Our incredible library staff has done an amazing job being energetic and fun with the students – offering free food or coffee (often at midnight, when our students need a pick me up).  They also have a graffiti wall, where students can pick up a paintbrush and express themselves.  There are some pictures below, as well as a story online.

One student wrote “I haven’t left the ZSR in 24 1/2 hours.”  And my favorite bit of poetry from the graffiti board as of yesterday was this:

Dreaming darkly, darkly dreaming
I’m INSANE for the time being


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