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This morning’s issue of the Old Gold and Black has some good stories.  Here are a few highlights:

“Researchers at the Center for Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials here at the university are changing the way we will think about one of the most common household items: the light bulb….’Imagine that you no longer have to screw a light bulb into your lamp – because the lampshade is what lights up,’ David Carroll, the lead researcher for PureLux, Inc., and director of the unversity’s Center for Nanotechnology and Molecular Materials, said.” 

WFU is trying to get the word out to students to use our solar shuttles.  This is a free service for students, faculty and staff, so encourage your students to ride! 

The Pit is making dining greener and cleaner.  Did you know that by using recyclable to-go food boxes, the University has eliminated over 7,000 Styrofoam containers each week?

Panhellenic Council sponsored 15th annual breast cancer fashion show fundraiser.  This event not only raised money for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, it put the spotlight on early detection for even young women.

Do you have a student taking a Russian class?  If so, its likely being taught by William (Billy) Hamilton. He has been at Wake Forest since 1982, has served in a variety of roles here on the faculty and the administration, and is well liked by students. 

Want to read more?  Visit the Old Gold and Black online.

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