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Finals week meme: things I have in common with a raccoon: dark circles around eyes, eat junk, a little chubby, I will fight you, possibly rabidOne of my dearest Wake friends who is a faculty member at another institution had posted this Finals Week meme today, and I thought it might give everyone a laugh.

It’s Finals today, and rainy to boot, so the mood is not stellar.  I was in Benson earlier in the day and we have reached the point where it seems like everyone is wearing their Finals Uniform: for men it is shorts and a t-shirt (that may or may not have come from their floor) and lots of stubble/unshaven faces; for women it is running pants/shorts or yoga pants, a t-shirt, and little to no makeup, ponytail or messy bun, sneakers.

Open study rooms noticeBenson had a sign out about all night study rooms, and down in the Post Office/Dean of Students suite, there was a wWhiteboards provide a place to leave notes and destress.hiteboard where people could post positive thoughts. As you can imagine, this got a little bit of everything on it, with plenty of sarcasm. Wake the Library continues too, so remind your Deacs there is free food, relaxation stations, etc.  Steady on, Deacs.  The end of finals is near.  Do your best, and let it rest!

And for our P’21s in the group, the website went live today.  This has all the information your incoming Deacs need for the months leading up to Move-In and Orientation.

There is a section of just for parents and families – bookmark it and visit it often!  I have not had as much time as I would have liked to play around with layout and make it look nice, so know that it will be improving as the summer progresses.

Also, we are so proud that in addition to our ’21s getting a hard copy Forestry 101 manual (late May-ish) that goes along with the New Students website, we have created a First Year Parents and Families calendar that will be for you, P’21s (P’21 = parents and families of Class of 2021 students).  While each family gets one hard copy of the calendar in with Forestry 101, for those of you dying for a peek at it now, it is online: First-Year-Parent-and-Family-Calendar.  (My apologies to our P’20s, ’19s, and ’18s: we do not have corresponding calendars for you because we hope you have already gotten the lay of the land with our website and e-newsletter, plus the Daily Deac – but feel free to print this one off if you want it).

And a disclaimer about the calendar for P’21s: I have a love-hate relationship with all print pieces, because it seems like something always changes after the print deadline and then the paper version is obsolete.  My campus partners and I made every attempt to have the correct dates and action items in the calendar, but we will no doubt goof on something, and in those moments you can always consult the online New Students website for more info.


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