Today is a gorgeous day on campus.  We are having one of those late fall warm snaps where it’s 77 and sunny.  It is a day where you don’t need a coat, and if you are standing in the sun or hoofing it pretty quickly across campus, you’ll feel warm.

Walking across campus today, people seemed in really good moods.  Maybe it is the warmth, or the sun.  On the Quad I saw a couple of students playing ping pong at the outdoor table, some administrators eating lunch at the cafe tables, and several clusters of friends walking and talking in twos and threes.  Everyone struck me as being happy to be outdoors and enjoying the beautiful day.

Down at Benson, the weather inspired a lot of folks to take their Food Court lunch outdoors, or if they were dining in Shorty’s, to request a table outside.

Supposedly next Sunday or Monday the high will be only 51, so enjoy it while you can, Deacs.

— by Betsy Chapman



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