We’re coming to the end of our vacation-week series of Things to Look Forward to in fall 2014.  Semester’s end means finals, and while none of our students look forward to those, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s called Wake the Library.

Wake the Library is a week’s worth of food, fun, TLC, stress relievers, and research help in our Z Smith Reynolds Library.  We have an amazing team of librarians who work tirelessly to keep the library open 24/7 during finals week.  They are there as supporters, cheerleaders, thinking partners, comforters, and subject matter experts.

Wake the Library gives students some especially fun moments of study breaks.  Free food at midnight.  Yoga.  This year there were pinatas.  Graffiti wall.

If you have to be in the trenches of finals, the ZSR staff is who you want beside you.  And they deliver, year after year.

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