It’s Friday and the end of the first week of classes.  For those young men going through fraternity recruitment, that process has also started.   Students will have this coming Monday off from class in honor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday.

However, urge your students not to make this a 3-day weekend without due thought and reflection.  The University is sponsoring a number of events around the MLK holiday, and any/all of them would be worthy of your students’ attendance:

So families, encourage your students to get involved and attend some of these events.  As we frequently say, Wake Forest is like a smorgasbord, and the more bites you take from the offerings, the richer your experience will be.

Finally, because it is Friday, we encourage you to reach out to your students with a phone call.  Past studies have shown that when students hear from family members on a Friday, they are less likely to engage in risky behavior that night.  We have a lot of new sorority pledges as well as young men going through recruitment.  Even if you don’t specifically talk to them about alcohol use, just having that touchpoint from home has an effect of making students take fewer risks.

So call now.  And always, always tell your kids you love and miss them.  Never hurts to hear that from those you love, does it?

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