I received an email from a WF parent yesterday in response to the blog post about sorority recruitment (it’s remarkably gratifying to know that this blog can connect with people!!)  This parent wanted, in part, to let other parents know that in addition to the sorority system at Wake Forest, there are other ways for young women (and men) to connect in groups that might provide meaningful friendships and a sense of belonging on campus.

This parent mentioned speficially Alpha Kappa Psi, the coed business fraternity.  Many of our students have wonderful friends there and have had an enriching experience, both socially and professionally.  Members are of all majors, not just business.  The current AKPsi rush will be coming soon – the first info session will be January 31st and students will see flyers around campus in the coming weeks.

Our parent wanted to be sure to let other families know that if their young women did not pledge a sorority, but might be looking for their niche, to be aware of AKPsi and to look into it.  If you want more information, you can email us at parents@wfu.edu.

There are many, many possibilities for involvement on campus.  Sometimes it is hard for a student to find his or her exact place, but that’s why we have a whole host of amazing administrators and faculty members to help light the path.  If your student needs a little bump in the right direction, please be in touch and we can talk about the best ways to help him or her.

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