We’ve come to that transitional time of year when in the morning it is cool enough to need long sleeves or a light jacket, but if the sun is out, by midafternoon it might be in the 70s and feeling very much warmer.  It is a real shame that we could not have ordered this weather for Family Weekend, because it has been really spectacular these last couple of days.

One of the not-so-fun parts of fall is that you begin hearing the cough-cough-hack-hack of fall illnesses.  Yesterday was the flu shot clinic for faculty and staff.  The nurses there told me that the good news is there have not been many reports of flu in our area.  However, I have talked to several staff members who have had some other kind of respiratory crud.  (Last year the first-year students were referring to this as “the freshman plague.”)

As a reminder, if your Deacs missed the student flu shot clinic, there are other options to get the vaccine via the Student Health Service; students can check with SHS for availability (I believe there are walk-in options, and there may also be times they are offering flu shots in the library).


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