We can’t bring you any kind of preview of fall semester highlights without talking about one of the cherished holiday traditions that comes the Sunday before finals begin: the Moravian Lovefeast.

Here is the official description of the Lovefeast:

The Lovefeast at Wake Forest

Moravian student Jane Sherrill Stroupe ’67 organized the first Wake Forest Lovefeast in December 1965.  200 students gathered to celebrate the traditional meal.  Since then, the Wake Forest Lovefeast has grown to be the largest Moravian-style lovefeast in North America, and one of the favorite features of Wake Forest tradition.

The Wake Forest Lovefeast consists of a sweetened bun and creamed coffee.  It is served to the participants by dieners (German for servers).  During the meal, music is offered by the Wake Forest Concert Choir, Handbell Choir, Flute Choir, and the Messiah Moravian Church Band.  During the service of song and scripture reading, handmade beeswax candles decorated with a red paper frill are distributed to each worshiper.  The candles are lit while the worship space is darkened except for a large illuminated Moravian Advent Star for the singing of the final hymns.”

For students who want to celebrate the Christmas season with lots of holiday magic, this is the ‘can’t miss’ event.  Read the Daily Deac’s preview of last year’s Lovefeast.

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