We’re back to school again and thrilled to have the campus bustling with students.  Our new students moved in on Friday and have been involved in their orientation process; activities for them continue through Tuesday.  Then for everyone, classes begin on Wednesday.

It’s a time when you see a lot of boxes and bundles being carried into residence halls, a lot of hugs and smiles as friends see each other again for the first time since last semester ended, and some occasional anxious looks of the first year students as they try to navigate around campus.

The first year students spent the morning in 1-on-1 meetings with their academic advisers, reviewing their course schedules and discussing areas of academic interest – or just talking about the college transition and their questions.  Parents and families of any year, please do encourage your students to take advantage of their professors’ office hours – time they set aside each week to be in their office waiting to receive students who want to talk about their coursework or anything else.  Office hours are a great way to get to know the faculty, and sometimes can be an underused resource.

Families, please note that if your students have issues or concerns with their schedules, they should take advantage of the resources in the Office of Academic Advising (room 125 Reynolda Hall).  This office is staffed with professional academic counselors that can augment the advice your students receive from their officially assigned advisors.  The drop-add period will officially begin on Wednesday morning, so schedule adjustments can be made.

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